Movember Moustache nail art

moustache nails

Can’t believe its November already. This year went by so fast (well this is a recurring dialogue every year, I know :D). But seriously, it feels like- where did the time fly? For me the starting of winters always have mixed feelings- the happiness for the onset of my favorite season, and the sadness for another year going so fast. Don’t you ever feel we are growing so fast. Wish there was a slow down button in life as well. *Sigh*

Anyhoo, since November is here and it is also the month for raising  awareness of men’s health issues (or Movember, as it is called), I did a nail art for same. Movember (Moustache + November) is the time when men from all over the world grow facial hair in attempt to raise charity for men’s health awareness- particularly prostate and testicular cancer. Read more about it HERE.
Actually I did not intend to make this a Movember nail art. I only painted my nails with yellow nail polish. And I couldn’t resist drawing little smileys on it. I accented it a little with moustache on ring finger. That is how I came up with this Movember nail art.
Pssst, I have done another Smiley nail art HERE.
moustache nail art
 Pretty smileys 🙂
smiley moustache nail art
 Moustache nail art
smiley nails
 Smiling nails
smiley moustache nail art
 Movember nail art
moustache nails 2
I am not among the girls who paint their left hand (non dominant hand) prettily and keep the poor right hand nails tattered and ignored (Yes girls in metro- flashing their pretty and well groomed left hand nails happily- I’m talking to you!). I never keep my right hand nails bare. I ALWAYS paint both hands, no matter it ends up looking wee bit untidy. And this is how it looked with this nail art.
moustache smiley nails
I know the moustache looks weird okay, but still I managed to make it look like a moustache 😛
Don’t you think it looks like the moustache of old rural people who keep their moustache long and groomed.
smiley nail art
Smileys made using a nail art pen.